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Zilinghan Li

I am an MSCS student University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a machine learning engineer at Argonne National Lab. I was an intern at AWS. I am now working on AI4Science.


  • Li Z., Chaturvedi P., He S., Chen H., Singh G., Kindratenko V., Huerta E.A., Kim K., Madduri R. FedCompass: Efficient Cross-Silo Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Client Devices using a Computing Power Aware Scheduler. In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024). [Paper] | [Webpage] | [Code]
  • Wilkins G., Di S., Calhoun J. C., Li Z., Kim K., Underwood R., Mortier R., Cappello F. FedSZ: Leveraging Error-Bounded Lossy Compression for Federated Learning Communications. In International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2024). [Paper]
  • Li Z., He S., Chaturvedi P., He S., Kindratenko V., Huerta E.A., Kim K., Madduri R. Secure federated learning across heterogeneous cloud and high-performance computing resources - a case study on federated fine-tuning of llama 2. In Computing in Science & Engineering. [Paper]
  • Li Z., He S., Chaturvedi P., Hoang T.-H., Ryu M., Huerta E.A., Kindratenko V., Fuhrman J., Giger M., Chard R., Kim K., Madduri R. APPFLx: Providing Privacy-Preserving Cross-Silo Federated Learning as a Service. In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). [Paper] | [Webpage]
  • Wu Y., Miao X., Li Z., He S., Yuan X., Yin J. An Efficient Generative Data Imputation Toolbox with Adversarial Learning. In 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). [Paper]
  • Li Z., Wang X., Zhang Z., Kindratenko V. ViCTer: A Semi-supervised Video Character Tracker. In Machine Learning with Applications. [Paper] | [Code] | [Dataset]
  • Yuan X.∗, Li Z.∗, Wang G. ActiveMatch: End-to-end Semi-supervised Active Representation Learning. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022. (∗: equal contributions) [Code] | [Paper]
  • Li Z., He S., Du Y., González S., Schewe KD. Unbounded Barrier-Synchronized Concurrent ASMs for Effective MapReduce Processing on Streams. In: Rigorous State-Based Methods. ABZ 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12709. Springer, Cham. [Paper] | [Slides]